
楼主 |
发表于 2008-11-11 15:35:31
The site is actually 10 km by 8 km wide and there are 200 of those 60 meter towers on the site. You can imagine it to be pretty intense when you turn the fans on: there are 64 000 fans in each tower, the noise of 64 000 fans times 200 towers and paper flying! Its like a scene of Hitchcock’s Birds. For me, it’s just wonderful to imagine what it would be like to be there.

looking up through one of the silos

detail, fans inside the silo
An entire world you created here! How many drawings are there and what are the tools you use?
There are 60 finished drawings of this first step, the “birth” of the Institute of Ideas with about 140 sketches for the drawings. Drawings range from A4 size to over 1meter square. I use a ruler, a pen, pencil, ink, collage and a very small horse hair brush as my tools for drawing. Pretty low tech!

1.500 part plan, detail
Was it really necessary to draw it all by hand?
I think the computer is one reason why many drawings today are so lifeless and empty. There is no soul. It would be nice to see the blood, the sweat, the tears on the page, but you just don’t see that very much anymore. It’s an important process, to get messy, try, and test things on the page. I see an empty sheet of paper as an empty construction site – a test site for architectural constructions. 、
我认为电脑是导致如今的图纸如此没有生气和空洞的主要原因之一。其中没有灵魂。能在纸张中看到血汗和泪水是好的,但是越来越少能够看到了。这是一个很重要的过程:把纸弄脏,在纸上做新的尝试。我把一张空白的纸看作一个空的工地--- 一个建筑结构的试验田。
Well, I certainly see enough sweat and long working hours in these drawings!

nightflight, detail of chopped paper
It looks like some parts of your drawings are re-appearing here and there!?
My drawings are all about recycling. I’m not making new drawings perhaps, I’m just adding, taking, changing, cutting, editing,customizing, recycling, … Every drawing counts! All my ideas are also about recycling inventions, taking new or old technology that is already there and re-appropriate it to a new thing. Its an attitude I adopt in all the works.
Is this still architecture? Or is it pure drawing maybe?
Yes, its architecture! There is a style to my work - I understand that - but it’s not really stylized. If I make a tower, it doesn’t have any windows and is just avery functional piece of architecture. The silo is just a cone, pretty average shape and the reason for it is its functionality. I’m more into letting things happen and they then look good, because that’s the way they are.

Expiration Day, detail of paper-birds flying with London in the background
Do you think it is enough to draw something or is it important that things actually get build at some point?
你认为画出一些东西已经足够了 还是在某些条件下使这些东西实际修建出来更重要?
If you are an artist, you can say that you do a drawing and since that drawing takes you somewhere, you don’t actually need to make that landscape…. That is dreaming! Architecture can take you to that next level where you build and physically inhabit your drawings.

comb, nightplan: several tower-units standing next to each other
There are a lot of dreamy projects happening at the Bartlett and I think that hopefully people are becoming more interested in living that dream in reality. Recently people seem to appreciate ideas of people like Zaha M. Hadid more and actually build those very moving and poetic things, eventhough they look impossible. There is a cross-over happening now between the dreamy paper world of architecture and the built world.
Bartlett有很多梦幻的课题,希望人们越来越有兴趣生活在已付诸于现实的梦幻(空间)。现在人们似乎更赏识一些人的设计,比如Zaha M hadid,而且实际的建造出这些非常感人的诗歌一样的构建,尽管这些设计看上去那么的不可思议。现在充满了梦幻的建筑草图的世界和实际的建造世界开始有了交集。

1/750 part plan |