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发表于 2007-1-11 18:31:13 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

IAHH宣布了第5届IAHH国际学生设计竞赛(IAHH International Student Design Competition 2007),计划设计一个地区社会性、文化性和艺术性的可容忍最低限度的群落,即慈善的、可容忍最低限度的的建筑。

Designing a regional social, cultural and arts complex
The IAHH is pleased to announce the theme of the 5th IAHH International Student Design Competition 2007. The design will aim at planning and designing a regional social, cultural and arts complex for a sustainable community. The design and planning proposal shall aim at humane, sustainable and innovative architecture.
The design brief shall be evolved in regional, urban / rural context. The complex shall have community centre, social centre, women centre, youth centre, art and craft centre, exhibition centre, library and resource centre and share some public places and social interaction spaces with the community. It shall Include a regional arts and crafts centre, which provides for research and training in the arts, crafts and culture of the region. It may provide some outdoor and indoor sports facilities or it may be located in close proximity to such recreational facilities.
The regional social and cultural complex shall include clean, modest accommodation for visiting participants in social and cultural activities as well as the average cultural tourist who is looking for a simple nirvana break with local flavour.
The regional social and cultural complex may be located in rural or urban environment. The student participants are required to identify a suitable rural or urban community, undertake social, cultural, environmental and physical surveys and analysis before developing design brief and proposing a design synthesis.
The region is not to be defined by administrative or revenue boundaries but is to be considered as a social space with shared traditions historically which may cut across local district or state or national boundaries.
The proposed design should be people and environment friendly and should be evolved with active participation of the people and the community. It should be energy efficient and should have sustainable infrastructural services, such as supported by alternate source of energy, water harvesting, recycling of wastes.
It should have good accessibility and should be linked to the surrounding neighbourhoods and community through pedestrian linkages. It should be accessible through private and public transportation systems. It must provide for adequate parking facilities for cars, buses and bicycles. It must be harmoniously related to other community facilities and open spaces. The design proposal should aim at generating awareness about humane and sustainable architecture.
The project may have a small area with a high density of development or a large area with low density development. It may use state of the art / appropriate and sustainable technologies. The complex may be spread over an area of 5 to 10 hectares, approximately zoning of the project may include 15% of the area shall be for sports/recreation. 10-15% for social/public interaction spaces, 10-15% for transportation and infrastructure with proper accessibility and parking facility.
55-65 % of area may be used for the buildings and facilities housing the regional social, cultural and arts centre. The development may be in a phased manner.
The Jury:评委
Dr. Ashraf Salama, Qatar
Ar. Ludovic Jonard, Paris, France
Ar. Narendra Dengle, Pune, India
Dr. S. M. Akhtar, New Delhi, India
Ar. Akeel Bilgrami, Karachi, Pakistan
Ar. Anil Nagrath, Technical Co-ordinator

First Prize: Rs. 50,000/-
Second Prize: Rs. 25,000/-
Third Prize: Rs. 15,000/-

The Jury may award honorable mention to deserving entries without any prize amount.

Submission Requirements 要求
The design submission shall be presented on 6 A1 size drawings / 3 AO drawings, which shall include the following:
1 Max two panels for contextual, social, economic and environmental analysis, site analysis of an area or areas incorporating separate sites admeasuring about 5-10 ha.
One A1 panel for proposed site development to the scale of 1: 500 or 1:1000 for the regional social and cultural centre.
Three A1 panels for innovative, appropriate and sustainable designs for development of arts, cultural, social facilities for a sustainable community.
A brief report identifying the context, analysis, concept, planning and design approach of the proposal on not more than 10 A4 sheets in Arial 10 font size with illustrations and photographs.
The participants are required to send CDS containing the proposal including drawings and report, photos of the models etc for publication purposes. The Jury for consideration of the Awards may use these CDs.
However, it may be noted that CDs alone will not be accepted.
The Competition is open to all registered students of any nationally recognized school, college or institutions of architecture, urban design,
planning, landscape design, environmental design. The team may have student from any related discipline. The student group shall be headed by a student of architecture / related discipline with architectural undergraduate background. The participants may be undergraduate, graduate, post graduate or doctoral students. The participants may be individuals or a group of not more than 5 students.
The students shall fill in the registration form and airmail it along with the supporting certificates from the head / director of the school / college / institution for each of the student participant.
Terms and Conditions
The participants shall assume a seven digit numerical code, which shall be written in right hand bottom corner of all the drawings in 9cm x 9 cm boxes.
A plain sealed envelope containing the copy of the registration form with the name/s of the participants and the institution shall be enclosed with the submission of entry. The seven-digit code shall be written on top of the copy of the form as well as on the envelope.
The drawing shall be in black and white or colour and they shall be prints. The drawings may be hand drawn or computer out puts. No original drawing shall be sent. The participants shall retain the original drawings.
The documents shall be sent by airmail / courier and not by airfreight company. The participants shall declare the submission as documents without any commercial value. The participants shall bear the expenses for its transshipment including taxes / customs duty if any.
The drawing and design copyright shall be with the authors.
The IAHH shall have the rights to its publication and exhibition.
The drawings shall not be returned, as they shall be required for traveling exhibition and publication.
IAHH may bring out a publication, documenting award winning projects and other significant projects. The winning projects may be published in professional and institutional journals.
The jury shall have full freedom to decide on the awards and their decision shall be final and binding on all the participants.
The IAHH guarantees a free and fair student design competition.
The student participants have to fill in the attached registration form and mail it along with the registration fees and a certificate of their
studentship from the Head of the Department / Institute / Faculty of Architecture or related discipline, addressed to
Convener, IAHH
International Student Design Competition, Rizvi College of Architecture,
Off Carter Road, Bandra West, Mumbai 400 050 INDIA.
Registration Fees and Deadlines
Foreign countries (except SAARC countries)
Early registration: US $ 25 up to December 30, 2006
Late registration: US $ 50 up to January 24, 2007
Indian and SAARC countries
Early registration INRs 1250 up to December 30, 2006
Late registration INRs 2500 up to January 24, 2007
Registration fee shall be paid by a banker’s cheque or through money transfer in favour of “Rizvi College of Architecture Conference a/c “
payable at Mumbai, India.
Calendar 日程
Queries: Up to December 30, 2006
Latest Submission: January 24, 2007
Jury : January 24 & 25, 2007
Awards Declaration: January 28, 2007
Exhibition: January 30- February 5, 2007
Publication of Document: December 15, 2007
For further particulars, please contact:
Prof. Akhtar Chauhan, Convener,
Prof. Anil Nagrath, Technical Co-coordinator,
IAHH International Student Design Competition Secretariat
Rizvi College of Architecture,
Off Carter Road, Bandra West, Mumbai 400050 INDIA
Tel:                 91-22-26050624        /26044196 Fax: 91-22-26002744
Email: ichh2007@humanehabitat.org

Website: http:// www.humanehabitat.org
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