飞天2 发表于 2009-11-15 09:44:31

Anzac Hall 澳新军团纪念大厅

本帖最后由 飞天2 于 2009-12-7 22:50 编辑

Anzac Hall / Denton Corker Marshall澳新军团纪念大厅/DCM公司来源:http://www.archdaily.com/链接:http://www.archdaily.com/40408/anzac-hall-denton-corker-marshall/

    Architect: Denton Corker Marshall
    Location: Canberra, Australia
    Client: Australian War Memorial
    Exhibition Designers: Freeman Ryan
    Project area: 3,000 sqm
    Project year: 2004
    Photographs: John Gollings
ANZAC Hall extends the Australian War Memorial, providing 3,000 sqm of exhibition space to display the large technology relics in the Memorial’s collection, such as aircraft, vehicles, tanks and other ordnance.澳新军团纪念大厅是澳大利亚战争纪念馆的扩建部分,建筑提供3000平方米的展示空间,用来陈列纪念馆的大型展品,如飞机,汽车,坦克以及其他军械等。The Australian War Memorial is sited at one of Canberra’s most important locations: the main Land Axis that defines the city plan, and is therefore visually linked with Parliament House. To preserve the historic view from ANZAC Parade, ANZAC Hall is positioned to the rear of the Australian War Memorial and is recessed into the landscape below and behind a wall, thereby minimizing the impact on the existing landmark.澳大利亚战争纪念馆位于堪培拉最重要的位置:它处于控制了整个城市平面的城市中轴线上,同时在视线上与国会大厦遥相呼应。为了保持从澳新军团游行广场而来的视线得以延续,纪念大厅被选择置于战争纪念馆的后方,将其隐藏在景观之中和一面墙的背后,使新建的建筑对已有的地标的影响达到最小。The fan-shaped building comprises a long solid concrete wall that tapers dramatically to a thin edge at each end. A dark thin curving roof cantilevers over the main body of the building, adopting the appearance of the wing of a military aircraft. With no direct public access through its exterior, ANZAC Hall maintains an enigmatic presence on the site and provides a neutral backdrop to the Memorial. Its palette of materials and colours is a fitting reminder of the military nature of the museum.扇形的建筑包含有一个长长的混凝土墙,这面墙最引人注目的在于它逐渐变窄的两端。一个黑色的薄薄的弯曲的屋顶从建筑向外伸展,就像战斗机的翅膀一样。这座对外没有直接出入口的建筑,以迷一般的姿态坐落在场地上,低调地成为了战争纪念馆的背景。建筑材料和颜色的选择和纪念馆的战争题材这一性质非常吻合。

飞天2 发表于 2009-11-15 09:45:44


飞天2 发表于 2009-11-15 09:48:36


CADDIY 发表于 2009-11-16 05:17:08


飞天2 发表于 2009-12-7 15:02:09

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