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Readings in Spatial-Social Theory

课程介绍 进度与阅读材料 一般参考书


★ 授课教师:王志弘 ★ 时间:每周三18:40-21:30


★ 上课教材:
★ 适合对象:研究生。
★ 课程要求:尽力研读,勇于发问,勤于出席。期中缴交文献评论式报告两篇(各约2,000字),针对某个理论家的概念,提出整理与评论,或是用以观照台湾的现象。期末缴交研究论文式报告一篇(约10,000-15,000字),可以针对理论家或理论概念,提出分析性的整理与批评(可以是期中报告的延伸),或是应用理论概念来分析台湾的现象。

★ 评分依据:文献评论两篇共占40%,期末报告占30%,平时表现(出席、讨论与口头报告)占30%。

★ 上课方式:采取讲演和讨论课(seminar)并行的方式,除了由教师提示重点和引导讨论外,主要由参与者报告研读文章,每篇文章报告时间控制在三十分钟内,尽量留时间讨论。




第一讲 第二讲 第三讲 第四讲 第五讲 第六讲 第七讲
第八讲 第九讲 第十讲 第十一讲 第十二讲 第十三讲 第十四讲
第十五讲 第十六讲 第十七讲 第十八讲

第一讲 Henri Lefebvre—空间的生产、差异空间、韵律分析

1.Lefebvre, Henri. (1979). "Space: Social product and use value," in J.W. Freiberg (ed.), Critical Sociology: European Perspective (pp. 285-295). New York: Irvington.(王志弘译,(1994),〈空间︰社会产物与使用价值〉,收于夏铸九、王志弘编译,《空间的文化形式与社会理论读本》(页19-30.),台北︰明文书局。)
2.郭恩慈,(1998),〈空间、时间与节奏︰列斐伏尔的空间理论初析〉,《城市与设计》,第五∕六期,pp. 171-185.

郭恩慈,(1998),〈空间、时间与节奏︰列斐伏尔的空间理论初析〉,《城市与设计》,第五∕六期,pp. 171-185.
Gottdiener, M. (1993). "A Marx for our time: Henri Lefebvre and The Production of Space," Sociological Theory, 11: 1 March, pp. 129-134.(王志弘译,(1995),〈当今的马克思:昂希.列斐伏尔与《空间之生产》〉,收于《空间与社会理论译文选》(页193-203),台北:自印。)

Lefebvre, Henri. (1976). The Survival of Capitalism: Reproduction of the Relations of Production. New York: St Martin's Press. (Original work published 1973).

Lefebvre, Henri. (1979). "Spatial planning: Reflections on the politics of space," in Richard Peet (ed.), Radical Geography: Alternative Viewpoints on Contemporary Social Issues (pp. 339-352). Chicago: Maaroufa Press.(陈志梧译,(1994),〈空间政治学的反思〉,收于夏铸九、王志弘编译,《空间的文化形式与社会理论读本》(页31-46),台北︰明文书局。)

Lefebvre, Henri. (1979). "Space: Social product and use value," in J.W. Freiberg (ed.), Critical Sociology: European Perspective (pp. 285-295). New York: Irvington.(王志弘译,(1994),〈空间︰社会产物与使用价值〉,收于夏铸九、王志弘编译,《空间的文化形式与社会理论读本》(页19-30.),台北︰明文书局。)

Lefebvre, Henri. (1984). Everyday Life in the Modern World. (Original work published 1971).

Lefebvre, Henri. (1991). The Production of Space. Oxford: Blackwell. (Original work published 1974).

Lefebvre, Henri. (1991). Critique of Everyday Life, Vol. 1. (Original work published 1947, 1958).

Lefebvre, Henri. (1993). "The right to the city," in Joan Ockman (ed.), Architecture Culture 1943-1968: A Documentary Anthology (pp. 428-436). New York: Rizzolo International Publications. (Original work published 1968).(王志弘译,(1995),〈接近城市的权利〉,收于《空间与社会理论译文选》(页173-185),台北:自印。)

Lefebvre, Henri. (1995). Introduction to Modernity. London: Verso. (Original work published 1962).

Lefebvre, Henri. (1996). Writings on Cities. Oxford: Blackwell.

Sayer, Andrew. (1993). "Book review: The Production of Space," International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 17: 3, pp. 458-9.(王志弘译,(1995),〈书评:《空间之生产》〉,收于《空间与社会理论译文选》(页205-208),台北:自印。)

Shields, Rob. (1999). Lefebvre, Love and Struggle: Spatial Dialectics. London: Routledge.

Soja, Edward W. (1991). "Henri Lefebvre 1901-1991," Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, Vol. 9, pp. 257-259.(王志弘译,(1995),〈昂希.列斐伏尔,1901-1991〉,收于《空间与社会理论译文选》(页187-191),台北:自印。)

第二讲 Manuel Castells—集体消费、流动空间与地方空间、网络社会
1.Castells, Manuel. (1992b). "The space of flows: A theory of space in the informational society," paper presented on conference of "The New Urbanism" organized by Princeton University in October 1992.(王志弘译,(1997),〈流动空间:信息化社会的空间理论〉,《城市与设计学报》,第一期,页1-15。)
2.Castells, Manuel. (1996). "The edge of forever: timeless time" and "Conclusion: the network society," in The Rise of the Network Society (pp. 429-478). Oxford: Blackwell.(夏铸九等译,(1998),《网络社会之崛起》,台北:唐山。)

台大建筑与城乡研究所编,(1989),Manuel Castells: A Reader(上、下册),台北:台大建筑与城乡研究所。
Castells, Manuel, and Emilio de Ipola. (1976). "Epistemological practice and the social sciences," Economy and Society, 5: 2 (May), pp. 111-144.(张景森译,(1994),〈认识论实践和社会科学〉,收于夏铸九、王志弘编译,《空间的文化形式与社会理论读本》(页147-183),台北︰明文书局。)

Castells, Manuel. (1977). The Urban Question (Alan Sheridan, Trans.). Cambridge, Mass.: The MIT Press. (Original work published 1972, 1976).\(部份有中译:吴金镛译,(1994),〈都市问题1975年后记〉,收于夏铸九、王志弘编译,《空间的文化形式与社会理论读本》(页185-221),台北︰明文书局。)

Castells, Manuel. (1978). City, Class and Power. New York: St. Martin's Press.

Castells, Manuel. (1980). The Economic Crisis and American Society. Princeton, NJ.: Princeton University Press.(晏山枥、杨立义、蔡平、刘宪章译,(1987),《经济危机与美国社会》,台北:唐山。)

Castells, Manuel. (1983). The City and the Grassroots: A Cross-Cultural Theory of Urban Social Movements. Berkeley: University of California Press.(部份有中译:陈志梧、曾旭正译,(1994),〈一个跨文化的都市社会变迁理论〉,以及〈一般性的方法论问题〉,收于夏铸九、王志弘编译,《空间的文化形式与社会理论读本》(页223-300,页301-310),台北︰明文书局。)

Castells, Manuel (ed.). (1985). High Technology, Space and Society. London: Sage.

Castells, Manuel, Lee Goh, and Reginald Y. W. Kwok. (1988). Economic Development and Housing Policy in the Asian Pacific Rim: A Comparative Study of Hong Kong, Singapore, and Shenzhen Special Economic Zone. Monograph 37. Institute of Urban and Regional Development, University of California at Berkeley.

Castells, Manuel. (1989a). The Informational City: Information Technology, Economic Restructuring, and the Urban-Regional Process. Oxford: Blackwell.(部份有中译:王志弘译,(1994),〈流动空间中社会意义的重建〉,收于夏铸九、王志弘编译,《空间的文化形式与社会理论读本》(页367-374),台北︰明文书局。)

Castells, Manuel. (1989b). The Political Economy of High-Technology. Taipei: Tonsan Publications.

Castells, Manuel, and Peter Hall. (1989c). Technopoles of the World: The Making of 21st Century Industrial Complexes. London: Routledge.

Castells, Manuel. (1989d). "Social movements and the informational city," Hitotsubashi Journal of Social Studies 21: 197-206.(王志弘译,(1995),〈社会运动与信息城市〉,收于《空间与社会理论译文选》(页153-166),台北:自印。)

Castells, Manuel. (1990). "The rise of the dual city: a comparative perspective," Lecture delivered at the Carl Friedrich von Siemens Foundation, 22 February 1990.(曾旭正译,(1994),〈双元城市的兴起:一个比较的角度〉,收于夏铸九、王志弘编译,《空间的文化形式与社会理论读本》(页311-331),台北︰明文书局。)

Castells, Manuel. (1992a). "Four Asian tigers with a dragon head: A comparative analysis of the state, economy, and society in the Asian Pacific rim," in Richard P. Appelbaum and Jeffrey Henderson (eds.), States and Development in the Asian Pacific Rim (pp. 33-70). Newbury Park, CA: Sage.

Castells, Manuel. (1992b). "The space of flows: A theory of space in the informational society," paper presented on conference of "The New Urbanism" organized by Princeton University in October 1992.(王志弘译,(1997),〈流动空间:信息化社会的空间理论〉,《城市与设计学报》,第一期,页1-15。)

Castells, Manuel. (1996). The Rise of the Network Society. Oxford: Blackwell.(夏铸九等译,(1998),《网络社会之崛起》,台北:唐山。)

Castells, Manuel. (1997). The Power of Identity. Oxford: Blackwell.

Castells, Manuel. (1998). End of Millennium. Oxford: Blackwell.

Jeffrey Henderson, and Manuel Castells (eds.). (1987). Global Restructuring and Territorial Development. London: Sage.

Lowe, Stuart. (1986). Urban Social Movements: The City after Castells. London: Macmillan.

Portes, Alejandro, Manuel Castells, and Lauren A. Benton. (1989). The Informal Economy: Studies in Advanced and Less Developed Countries. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press.(部份有中译:夏铸九、王志弘译,(1994),〈底层的世界:非正式经济的起源、动力与影响〉,收于夏铸九、王志弘编译,《空间的文化形式与社会理论读本》(页333-366),台北︰明文书局。)

第三讲 David Harvey—创造性的毁灭、时空压缩、正义与差异地理学
1.Harvey, David. (1989). "Time-space compression and the postmodern condition," in The Condition of Postmodernity (pp. 284-307). Oxford: Blackwell.
2.Harvey, David. (1990). "From space to place and back again: Reflections on the condition of postmodernity," in Jon Bird et al. (eds.), Mapping the Futures: Local Cultures, Global Change (pp. 3-29). London: Routledge.

3.Harvey, David. (1996). "Possible urban worlds," in Justice, Nature and the Geography of Difference (pp. 403-439). Oxford: Blackwell.

Harvey, David. (1973). Social Justice and the City. Lobdon: Edward Arnold.
Harvey, David. (1982). The Limits to Capital. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.

Harvey, David. (1985a). Consciousness and the Urban Experience. Oxford: Basil Blackwell.

Harvey, David. (1985b). The Urbanization of Capital. Oxford: Basil Blackwell.

Harvey, David. (1985c). "The geopolitics of capitalism," in Derek Gregory, and John Urry (eds.). (1985). Social Relations and Spatial Structures (pp. 128-163). New York: St. Martin's Press.

Harvey, David. (1987). "Flexible accumulation through urbanization: Reflections on 'post-modernism' in the American city," Antipode, vol. 19, no. 3, pp. 260-86.

Harvey, David. (1989). The Condition of Postmodernity. Oxford: Blackwell.

Harvey, David. (1990). "Between space and time: Reflections on the geographical imagination," Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 80(3), pp. 418-434.(王志弘译,(1994),〈时空之间:关于地理学想象的省思〉,收于夏铸九、王志弘编译,《空间的文化形式与社会理论读本》(页47-79),台北︰明文书局。)

Harvey, David. (1990). "From space to place and back again: Reflections on the condition of postmodernity," in Jon Bird et al. (eds.), Mapping the Futures: Local Culturesm Global Change (pp. 3-29). London: Routledge.

Harvey, David. (1991). "Social justice, postmodernism and the city," paper in Berlin to the European Workshop on the Improvement of the Built Environment and Social Integration in Cities.

Harvey, David. (1996). Justice, Nature and the Geography of Difference. Oxford: Blackwell.

Paterson, John L. (1984). David Harvey's Geography. London: Croom Helm.

第四讲 Doreen Massey—空间分工、地域性、进展式地方感、权力几何学
1.Massey, Doreen. (1994). "Politics and Space/Time," in Space, Place and Gender (pp. 249-272). Cambridge: Polity Press.(王志弘译,(1995),〈政治与空间∕时间〉,收于《空间与社会理论译文选》(页115-141),台北:自印。)
2.Massey, Doreen. (1993). "Power-geometry and a progressive sense of place," in Jon Bird, Barry Curtis, Tim Putnam, George Robertson and Lisa Tickner (eds.), Mapping the Futures: Local Cultures, Global Change (pp. 59-69). London: Routledge.(王志弘译,(1995),〈权力几何学与进展式的地方感〉,收于《空间与社会理论译文选》(页101-114),台北:自印。)

Massey, Doreen. (1984). Spatial Divisions of Labor: Social Structures and the Geography of Production. New York: Methuen.
Massey, Doreen. (1985). "New directions in space," in Derek Gregory, and John Urry (eds.), Social Relations and Spatial Structures (pp. 9-19). New York: St. Martin's Press.

Massey, Doreen. (1991). "Flexible sexism," Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, Vol. 9, pp. 31-57.

Massey, Doreen. (1993). "Power-geometry and a progressive sense of place," in Jon Bird, Barry Curtis, Tim Putnam, George Robertson and Lisa Tickner (eds.), Mapping the Futures: Local Cultures, Global Change (pp. 59-69). London: Routledge.(王志弘译,(1995),〈权力几何学与进展式的地方感〉,收于《空间与社会理论译文选》(页101-114),台北:自印。)

Massey, Doreen. (1994). Space, Place and Gender. Cambridge: Polity Press.

Massey, Doreen. (1998). "The spatial construction of youth cultures," in Tracey Skelton and Gill Valentine (eds.), Cool Places: Geographies of Youth Cultures. (pp. 121-129). London: Routledge.


第五讲 Neil Smith—不均发展、空间尺度、自然之社会生产
1.Smith, Neil. (1984/1990). "Toward a theory of uneven development II: Spatial scale and the see-saw of capital," in Uneven Development: Nature, Capital and the Production of Space (2nd ed.) (pp. 131-154). Oxford: Basil Blackwell.
2.Smith, Neil. (1996). "The production of nature," in George Robertson et al. (eds.), FuturalNatural: Nature, Science, Culture (pp. 35-54). London: Routledge.

Smith, Neil. (1984/1990). Uneven Development: Nature, Capital and the Production of Space (2nd ed.). Oxford: Basil Blackwell.
Smith, Neil. (1992). "Geography, difference and the politics of scale," in J. Doherty, E. Graham, and M. Malek (eds.), Postmodernism and the Social Sciences. London.

Smith, Neil. (1993). "Homeless/global: Scaling places," in Jon Bird, Barry Curtis, Tim Putnam, George Robertson and Lisa Tickner (eds.), Mapping the Futures: Local Cultures, Global Change (pp. 87-119). London: Routledge.

Smith, Neil, and C. Katz (1993). "Grounding metaphor: Towards a spatialized politics," in M. Keith and S. Pile (eds.), Place and the Politics of Identity. London: Routledge.

Smith, Neil. (1996). "The production of nature," in George Robertson et al. (eds.), FuturalNatural: Nature, Science, Culture (pp. 35-54). London: Routledge.

第六讲 Michel Foucault—权力与空间、异质空间、敞视建筑
1.Foucault, Michel. (1986). "Of other space," Diacritics, 16(1) (spring): 22-7.(有王志弘未出版中译。)
2.Foucault, Michel. (1975). Surveiller et Punir; Naissance de la prison. Paris: ?dition Gallimard.(刘北成、杨远婴译,(1992),《规训与惩罚:监狱的诞生》,台北:桂冠。)(节选panopticism部份)

Deleuze, Gilles. (1986). Foucault. Paris: Les Editions de Minuit.(杨凯麟译,(2000),《德勒兹论傅柯》,台北:麦田。)

Foucault, Michel. (1963). Naissance de la clinique. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France.(刘絮恺译,(1994),《临床医学的诞生》,台北:时报。)

Foucault, Michel. (1972). Histoire de la folie ? l'?ge classique. Paris: ?dition Gallimard.(林志明译,(1998),《古典时代疯狂史》,台北:时报。)

Foucault, Michel. (1975). Surveiller et Punir; Naissance de la prison. Paris: ?dition Gallimard.(刘北成、杨远婴译,(1992),《规训与惩罚:监狱的诞生》,台北:桂冠。)

Foucault, Michel. (1980). "Questions on geography," in C. Gordon (ed.), Power/Knowledge: Selected Interview and Other Writings 1972-1977 (pp. 63-77). New York: Pantheon Books.(王志弘译,(1994),〈地理学问题〉,收于夏铸九、王志弘编译,《空间的文化形式与社会理论读本》(页385-397),台北︰明文书局。)

Foucault, Michel. (1986). "Of other space," Diacritics, 16(1) (spring): 22-7.(有王志弘未出版中译。)

Rabinow, Paul. (1982). "Space, knowledge, and power: Interview of Michel Foucault," Skyline, March, pp. 16-20.(陈志梧译,(1994),〈空间、知识、权力:与米歇.傅寇对谈〉,收于夏铸九、王志弘编译,《空间的文化形式与社会理论读本》(页411-427),台北︰明文书局。)

Genocchio, Benjamin. (1995). "Discourse, discontinuity, difference: The question of 'other' spaces," in Sophie Watson and Katherine Gibson (eds.), Postmodern Cities and Spaces (pp. 35-46). Oxford: Blackwell.

Wright, Gwendolyn, and Paul Rabinow. (1982). "Spatialization of power: A discussion of the work of Michel Foucault," Skyline, March, pp. 14-5.(陈志梧译,(1994),〈权力的空间化:米歇.傅寇作品的讨论〉,收于夏铸九、王志弘编译,《空间的文化形式与社会理论读本》(页375-384),台北︰明文书局。)

第七讲 Edward W. Soja—三元辩证、后现代地理学、第三空间
1.Soja, Edward W. (1989b). "Reassertions: Towards a spatialized ontology," in Postmodern Geographies: The Reassertion of Space in Critical Social Theory (pp. 118-137). London: Verso.
2.Soja, Edward W. (1996). "Exploring the spaces that difference makes: Notes on the margin," in Thirdspace: Journeys to Los Angeles and Other Real-and-Imagined Places (pp. 83-105). Oxford: Blackwell.

Soja, Edward W. (1985). "The spatiality of social life: Towards a transformative retheorisation," in Derek Gregory, and John Urry (eds.), Social Relations and Spatial Structures (pp. 90-127). New York: St. Martin's Press.
Soja, Edward W. (1989a). "Modern geography, Western Marxism, and the restructuring of critical social theory," in Peet, Richard, and Nigel Thrift (eds.), New Models in Geography: The Political-Economy Perspective, vol. 2 (pp. 318-347). London: Unwin Hyman.

Soja, Edward W. (1989b). Postmodern Geographies: The Reassertion of Space in Critical Social Theory. London: Verso.

Soja, Edward W. (1992). "Inside exopolis: Scenes from Orange County," in Michael Sorkin (ed.), Variations on a Theme Park: The New American City and the End of Public Space (pp. 94-122). New York: The Noonday Press..

Soja, Edward W. (1993). "Postmodern geographies and the critique of historicism," in J. P. Jones, W. Natter, and T. Schatzki (eds.), Postmodern Contentions (pp. 113-136). New York: The Guilford Press.(王志弘等译,(1995),〈后现代主义和历史主义批判〉,《台湾社会研究季刊》第十九期,页1-29。

Soja, Edward W. (1995). "Postmodern Urbanization: The six restructurings of Los Angeles," in Sophie Watson and Katherine Gibson (eds.), Postmodern Cities and Spaces (pp. 125-137). Oxford: Blackwell.

Soja, Edward W. (1996). Thirdspace: Journeys to Los Angeles and Other Real-and-Imagined Places. Oxford: Blackwell.

Soja, Edward W. (1997a). "Six discourses on the postmetropolis," in Sallie Westwood and John Williams (eds.), Imagining Cities: Scripts, Signs, Memory (pp. 19-30). London: Routledge.

Soja, Edward W. (1997b). "Planning in/for postmodernity," in Georges Benko and Ulf Strohmayer (eds.), Space and Social Theory: Interpreting Modernity and Postmodernity (pp. 236-249). Oxford: Blackwell.

第八讲 Derek Gregory—视觉霸权、地理学想象
1.Gregory, Derek. (1994b). "Geography and the world-as-exhibition," in Geographical Imaginations (pp. 15-69). Oxford: Blackwell.
Gregory, Derek. (1978). Ideology, Science and Human Geography. New York: St. Martin's Press.
Gregory, Derek. (1985). "Suspended animation: The stasis of diffusion theory," in Derek Gregory, and John Urry (eds.), Social Relations and Spatial Structures (pp. 296-336). New York: St. Martin's Press.

Gregory, Derek. (1989a). "Areal differentiation and post-modern human geography," in Derek Gregory, and Rex Walford (eds.). Horizons in Human Geography (pp. 67-96). Totowa, NJ.: Barnes & Nobel Books.

Gregory, Derek. (1989b). "The crisis of modernity? Human geography and critical social theory," in Peet, Richard, and Nigel Thrift (eds.), New Models in Geography: The Political-Economy Perspective, vol. 2 (pp. 348-385). London: Unwin Hyman.

Gregory, Derek. (1993). "Interventions in the historical geography of modernity: Social theory, spatiality and the politics of representation," in James Duncan and David Ley (eds.), Place/Culture/Representation (pp. 272-313). London: Routledge.

Gregory, Derek. (1994a). "Social theory and human geography," in Derek Gregory, Ron Martin, and Graham Smith (eds.), Human Geography: Society, Space and Social Science (pp. 78-109) London: Macmillan.

Gregory, Derek. (1994b). Geographical Imaginations. Oxford: Blackwell.

Gregory, Derek. (1997). "Lacan and geography: The production of space revisited," in Georges Benko and Ulf Strohmayer (eds.), Space and Social Theory: Interpreting Modernity and Postmodernity (pp. 203-231). Oxford: Blackwell.

第九讲 Roland Barthes—空间正文、空间书写
1.Barthes, Roland. (1986). "Semiology and the urban," in M. Gottdiener and Alexandros Ph. Lagopoulos (eds.), The City and the Sign: An Introduction to Urban Semiotics (pp. 87-98). New York: Columbia University Press.(王志弘译,(1994),〈符号学与都市〉,收于夏铸九、王志弘编译,《空间的文化形式与社会理论读本》(页527-538),台北︰明文书局。)
2.Barthes, Roland. (1979). "The Eiffel Tower," in The Eiffel Tower and Other Mythologies (pp. 3-17). New York: The Noonday Press.(李幼蒸译,(1991),〈艾菲尔铁塔〉,收于李幼蒸编译,《写作的零度:结构主义文学理论文选》(页156-168),台北︰时报。)

Barthes, Roland. (1957). Mythologies. Paris: Editions du Seuil.(许蔷蔷、许绮玲译,(1998),《神话学》,台北:桂冠。
Barthes, Roland. (1979). The Eiffel Tower and Other Mythologies. New York: The Noonday Press.(部份有中译:李幼蒸译,(1991),〈艾菲尔铁塔〉,收于李幼蒸编译,《写作的零度:结构主义文学理论文选》(页156-168),台北︰时报。)

Barthes, Roland. (1982). Empire of Signs. New York: Hill and Wang. (Original work published 1970.)(孙乃修译,(1993),《符号禅意东洋风》,台北:台湾商务。)

Barthes, Roland. (1986). "Semiology and the urban," in M. Gottdiener and Alexandros Ph. Lagopoulos (eds.), The City and the Sign: An Introduction to Urban Semiotics (pp. 87-98). New York: Columbia University Press.(王志弘译,(1994),〈符号学与都市〉,收于夏铸九、王志弘编译,《空间的文化形式与社会理论读本》(页527-538),台北︰明文书局。)

Duncan, James S. and Nancy G. Duncan (1992). " Ideology and bliss: Roland Barthes and the secret histories of landscape," in Trevor J. Barnes and James S. Duncan (eds.), Writing Worlds: Discourses, Text and Metaphor in the Representation of Landscape (pp. 18-37). London: Routledge.

第十讲 Michel de Certeau—空间实践、日常生活论
1.de Certeau, Michel. (1984). "Spatial practices," in The Practice of Everyday Life (pp. 91-130). Berkeley: University of California Press.
Ahearne, Jeremy. (1995). Michel de Certeau: Interpretation and its Other. Cambridge: Polity Press.
de Certeau, Michel. (1984). The Practice of Everyday Life. Berkeley: University of California Press.

de Certeau, Michel. (1986). Heterologies: Discourse on the Other. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.

第十一讲 Nigel Thrift—时间地理学、移动心态、货币与空间
1.Thrift, Nigel. (1996) "Inhuman geographies: Landscapes of speed, light and power," in Spatial Formations (pp. 256-310). London: Sage.
Corbridge, Stuart, Ron Martin, and Nigel Thrift (eds.). (1994). Money, Power and Space. Oxford: Blackwell.
Leyshon, Andrew, and Nigel Thrift. (1997). Money/Space: Geographies of Monetary Transformation. London: Routledge.

Parkes, Don, and Nigel Thrift. (1980). Times, Spaces, and Places: A Chronogeographic Perspective. New York: John Wiley & Sons.

Thrift, Nigel. (1983). "On the determination of social action in space and time," Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, vol. 1, pp. 23-57.

Thrift, Nigel. (1985). "Flies and germs: A geography of knowledge," in Derek Gregory, and John Urry (eds.), Social Relations and Spatial Structures (pp. 366-403). New York: St. Martin's Press.

Thrift, Nigel. (1994). "Taking aim at the heart of the region," in Derek Gregory, Ron Martin, and Graham Smith (eds.), Human Geography: Society, Space and Social Science (pp. 200-231) London: Macmillan.

Thrift, Nigel. (1996). Spatial Formations. London: Sage.

Thrift, Nigel. (1997). "The still point: Resistance, expressive embodiment and dance," in Steve Pile and Michael Keith (eds.), Geographies of Resistance (pp. 124-151). London: Routledge.

Thrift, Nigel, and Peter Williams (eds.) (1987). Class and Space: The Making of Urban Society. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul.

第十二讲 Anthony Giddens—结构历程论、时空延展、区域化、地域
1.Giddens, Anthony. (1985). "Time, space and regionalisation," in Derek Gregory, and John Urry (eds.), Social Relations and Spatial Structures (pp. 265-295). New York: St. Martin's Press.
Cohen, Ira J. (1989). Structuration Theory. London: Macmillan.
Craib, Ian. (1992). Anthony Giddens. London: Routledge.

Giddens, Anthony. (1979). "Time, space, social change," in Central Problems in Social Theory: Action, Structure and Contradiction in Social Analysis (pp. 198-233). Berkeley: University of California Press.

Giddens, Anthony. (1981). A Contemporary critique of Historical Materialism. London: Macmillan.

Giddens, Anthony. (1984). The Constitution of Society: Outline of the Theory of Structuration. Berkeley: University of California Press.

Giddens, Anthony. (1985). "Time, space and regionalisation," in Derek Gregory, and John Urry (eds.). (1985). Social Relations and Spatial Structures (pp. 265-295). New York: St. Martin's Press.

Giddens, Anthony. (1990). The Consequences of Modernity. Cambridge: Polity Press.

Urry, John. (1991). "Time and space in Giddens' social theory," in Christopher G.A. Bryant and David Jary (eds.), Giddens' Theory of Structuration: A Critical Appreciation (pp. 160-175). London: Routledge.

第十三讲 John Urry—流动社会学、地方社会学、观光旅游社会学
1.Scott Lash and John Urry. (1994). "Mobility, modernity and place," in Economies of Signs and Space (pp. 252-278). London: Sage.
2.Urry, John. (1995a). "Time and space in the consumption of place," in Comsuming Places (pp. 1-30). London: Routledge.

Scott Lash and John Urry. (1994). Economies of Signs and Space. London: Sage.
Urry, John. (1985). "Social relations, space and time," in Derek Gregory, and John Urry (eds.), Social Relations and Spatial Structures (pp. 20-48). New York: St. Martin's Press.

Urry, John. (1989). "Sociology and geography," in Peet, Richard, and Nigel Thrift (eds.), New Models in Geography: The Political-Economy Perspective, vol. 2 (pp. 295-317). London: Unwin Hyman.

Urry, John. (1990). The Tourist Gaze: Leisure and Travel in Contemporary Societies. London: Sage.

Urry, John. (1995a). Comsuming Places. London: Routledge.

Urry, John. (1995b). "Globalisation cultural change and time," Dept. of Sociology, Lancaster University. Society, Place, Economy Session, IBG, Jan. 1995.(王志弘译,(1995),〈全球化、文化变迁与时间〉,收于《空间与社会理论译文选》(页375-384),台北:自印。)

Urry, John. (1996). "Sociology of time and space," in Bryan S. Turner (ed.), The Blackwell Companion to Social Theory (pp. 369-395). Oxford: Blackwell..

第十四讲 Elizabeth Grosz—身体与城市、身体与空间

1.Gorsz, Elizabeth. (1992). " Bodies-Cities," in Beatriz Colomina (ed.), Sexuality and Space (pp. 241-253). New York: Princeton Architectural Press.(王志弘译,(1995),〈身体–城市〉,收于《空间与社会理论译文选》(页209-222),台北:自印。)
2.Gorsz, Elizabeth. (1993). "Lived spatiality: spaces of corporeal desire," in Brian Boigon (ed.), Culture Lab (pp. 179-205). New York: Princeton Architectural Press.

Gorsz, Elizabeth. (1992). " Bodies-Cities," in Beatriz Colomina (ed.), Sexuality and Space (pp. 241-253). New York: Princeton Architectural Press.(王志弘译,(1995),〈身体–城市〉,收于《空间与社会理论译文选》(页209-222),台北:自印。)
Gorsz, Elizabeth. (1993). "Lived spatiality: spaces of corporeal desire," in Brian Boigon (ed.), Culture Lab (pp. 179-205). New York: Princeton Architectural Press.

Gorsz, Elizabeth. (1994). Volatile Bodies: Towards a Corporeal Feminism. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.

Gorsz, Elizabeth. (1995a). "Women, chora, dwelling," in Sophie Watson and Katherine Gibson (eds.), Postmodern Cities and Spaces (pp. 47-58). Oxford: Blackwell.

Gorsz, Elizabeth. (1995b). Space, Time, and Perversion. New York: Routledge.

第十五讲 Richard Sennett—公共空间、混杂性与接触边界、观看与城市
1.Sennett, Richard. (1990). "Making exposed things," in The Conscience of the Eye: The Design and Social Life of Cities (pp. 205-236). New York: Alfred A. Knoff.
2.Sennett, Richard. (1994b). "Civic bodies: Multi-cultural New York," in Flesh and Stone: The Body and the City in Western Civilization.(pp. 355-376). New York: W.W. Norton & Company.

Sennett, Richard. (1970). The Uses of Disorder: Personal Identity and City Life. New York: W.W. Norton & Company.
Sennett, Richard. (1974/1976). The Fall of Public Man. New York: W.W. Norton & Company.

Sennett, Richard. (1988). " The civitas of seeing," Place, vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 82-84.(王志弘译,(1995),〈观看的城市〉,收于《空间与社会理论译文选》(页21-26),台北:自印。)

Sennett, Richard. (1990). The Conscience of the Eye: The Design and Social Life of Cities. New York: Alfred A. Knoff.(王志弘译,(1995),〈眼睛的良知(导言)〉,收于《空间与社会理论译文选》(页27-30),台北:自印。)

Sennett, Richard. (1994a). "The powers of the eye," in Russell Ferguson et al. (eds.), Urban Revisions: Current Projects for the Public Realm (pp. 59-69). Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press. (温蓓章、王志弘译,(1995),〈眼光的力量〉,收于《空间与社会理论译文选》(页31-44),台北:自印。)

Sennett, Richard. (1994b). Flesh and Stone: The Body and the City in Western Civilization. New York: W.W. Norton & Company.



第十六讲 Yi-Fu Tuan—空间现象学、地方感
1.Tuan, Yi-Fu. (1977). "Body, personal relations, and spatial values", "Intimate experiences of place" and "Attachment to homeland," in Space and Place: The Perspective of Experience (pp. 34-50 & pp. 136-160). London: Edward Arnold.
2.Tuan, Yi-Fu. (1979). "Fear in the city," in Landscapes of Fear (pp. 145-174). Oxford: Basil Blackwell.

Bachelard, Gaston. (1964). The Poetics of Space (Maria Jolas, Trans.). Boston: Beacon Press. (Original work published 1958.)

Norberg-Schulz, Christian. (1980). Genius Loci: Toward a Phenomenology of Architecture. New York: Rizzoli.(施植明译,(1986),《场所精神:迈向建筑现象学》,台北:尚林出版社。目前版本由田园城市出版)

Tuan, Yi-Fu. (1974). Topophila: A Study of Environmental Perception, Attitudes and Values. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.

Tuan, Yi-Fu. (1977). Space and Place: The Perspective of Experience. London: Edward Arnold.(有中译本。)

Tuan, Yi-Fu. (1979). Landscapes of Fear. Oxford: Basil Blackwell.

Tuan, Yi-Fu. (1982). Segmented Worlds and Self. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.

Tuan, Yi-Fu. (1984). Dominance and Affection. New Heaven: Yale University Press.

Tuan, Yi-Fu. (1996). Cosmos and Hearth: A Cosmopolite's Viewpoint. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.

Tuan, Yi-Fu. (1998). Escapism. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press.

Tuan, Yi-Fu. (1999). "Geography and evil: A sketch," in James D. Proctor and David M. Smith (eds.), Geography and Ethics: Journeys in a Moral Terrain (pp. 106-119). London: Routledge.

第十七讲 Georg Simmel—现代心灵与都会生活
1.Simmel Georg. (1997). "The sociology of space," in David Frisby and Mike Featherstone (eds.), Simmel on Culture (pp. 137-170). London: Sage.
2.Simmel Georg. (1997). "Bridge and door" and "The metropolis and mental life," in David Frisby and Mike Featherstone (eds.), Simmel on Culture (pp. 170-185). London: Sage.

Frisby, David. (1992). Simmel and Since: Essays on Georg Simmel's Social Theory. London: Routledge.
Frisby, David ,and Mike Featherstone (eds.). (1997). Simmel on Culture. London: Sage.

Simmel, Georg. (1990). The Philosophy of Money (2nd ed.). London: Routledge. (Original work published 1907.)

Weinstein, Deena and Michael A. Weinstein. (1993). Postmodern(ized) Simmel. London: Routledge.

第十八讲 Walter Benjamin—都市游荡者、现代都市经验
1.Benjamin, Walter. (1973/1997). "Paris-The capital of the nineteenth century," in Charles Baudelaire: A Lyric Poet in the Era of High Capitalism (pp. 155-176). London: Verso.
2.Gilloch, Graeme. (1996). "Introduction," in Myth and Metropolis: Walter Benjamin and the City (pp. 1-20). Cambridge: Polity Press.


Benjamin, Andrew, and Peter Osborne (eds.). (1994). Walter Benjamin's Philosophy: Destruction and Experience. London: Routledge.

Benjamin, Walter. (1968/1969). Illuminations. New York: Schocken Books.

Benjamin, Walter. (1973/1997). Charles Baudelaire: A Lyric Poet in the Era of High Capitalism. London: Verso.(张旭东、魏文生译,(1989),《发达资本时代的抒情诗人。论波特莱尔》,北京:三联书店。)(Original work published 1969.)

Benjamin, Walter. (1978). One Way Street and Other Writings. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. (Original work published 1970.)

Benjamin, Walter. (1998a) ,《迎向灵光消逝的时代》(许绮玲译),台北:台湾摄影工作室。

Benjamin, Walter. (1998b),《说故事的人》(林志明译),台北:台湾摄影工作室。

Buck-Morss, Susan. (1989). The Dialectics of Seeing: Walter Benjamin and the Arcades Project. Cambridge, Mass: The MIT Press.

Eagleton, Terry. (1981). Walter Benjamin or Towards a Revolutionary Criticism. London: Verso.

Gilloch, Graeme. (1996). Myth and Metropolis: Walter Benjamin and the City. Cambridge: Polity Press.

Jennings, Michael W. (1987). Dialectical Images: Walter Benjamin's Theory of Literary Criticism. Itnaca: Cornell University Press.

Roberts, Julian. (1982). Walter Benjamin. London: Macmillan.

Weigel, Sigrid. (1996). Body-and Image-Space: Re-reading Walter Benjamin. London: Routledge.









Agnew, John A., and James S. Duncan (eds.). (1989). The Power of Place: Bringing Together Geographical and Sociological Imaginations. Boston: Unwin Hyman.

Agnew, John, David N. Livingstone, and Alisdair Rogers (eds.). (1996). Human Geography: An Essential Anthology. Oxford: Blackwell.

Barnes, Trevor, and Derek Gregory (eds.). (1997). Reading Human Geography: The Poetics and Politics of Inquiry. London: Arnold.

Benko, Georges, and Ulf Strohmayer (eds.). (1997). Space and Social Theory: Interpreting Modernity and Postmodernity. Oxford: Blackwell.

Carter, Erica, James Donald, and Judith Squires (eds.). (1993). Space and Place: Theories of Identity and Location. London: Lawrence and Wishart.

Casey, Edward S. (1997). The Fate of Place: A Philosophical History. Berkeley: University of California Press.

Cloke, Paul, Chris Philo, and David Sadler. (1991). Approaching Human Geography: An Introduction to Contemporary Theoretical Debates. New York: The Guilford Press.

Featherstone, Mike and Scott Lash (ed.). Spaces of Culture: City-Nation-World. London: Sage.

Frisby, David ,and Mike Featherstone (eds.). (1997). Simmel on Culture. London: Sage.

Gottdiener, M. (1985). The Social Production of Urban Space. Austin: University of Texas Press.

Gregory, Derek. (1978). Ideology, Science and Human Geography. New York: St. Martin's Press.

Gregory, Derek, and John Urry (eds.). (1985). Social Relations and Spatial Structures. New York: St. Martin's Press.

Gregory, Derek, and Rex Walford (eds.). (1989). Horizons in Human Geography. Totowa, NJ.: Barnes & Nobel Books.

Gregory, Derek, Ron Martin, and Graham Smith (eds.). (1994). Human Geography: Society, Space and Social Science. London: Macmillan.

Grosz, Elizabeth. (1995). Space, Time, and Perversion. New York: Routledge.

Hamnett, Chris (ed.). (1996). Social Geography: A Reader. London: Arnold.

Jackson, Peter. (1989). Maps of Meaning: An Introduction to Cultural Geography. London: Unwin Hyman.

Johnston, R. J. (1983). Philosophy and Human Geography: An Introduction to Contemporary Approaches. London: Edward Arnold.

Johnston, R. J. (ed.). (1985). The Future of Geography. London: Methuen.

Johnston, R. J. (1986). On Human Geography. Oxford: Basil Blackwell.

Johnston, R. J. (1997). Geography and Geographers: Anglo-American Human Geography since 1945. London: Arnold.

Johnston, R. J., Peter J. Taylor, and Michael J. Watts (eds.). (1995). Geographies of Global Change: Remapping the World in the Late Twentieth Century. Oxford: Blackwell.

King, Ross. (1996). Emancipating Space: Geography, Architecture, and Urban Design. New York: The Guilford Press.

Lash Scott, and John Urry. (1994). Economies of Signs and Space. London: Sage.

Liggett, Helen, and David C. Perry (eds.). (1995). Spatial Practices: Critical Explorations in Social/ Spatial Theory. London: Sage.

Massey, Doreen, and John Allen (eds.). (1984). Geography Matters! A Reader. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

McDowell, Linda, and Joanne P. Sharp (eds.). (1997). Space, Gender, Knowledge. London: Arnold.

Peet, Richard, and Nigel Thrift (eds.). (1989). New Models in Geography: The Political-Economy Perspective. 2 vols. London: Unwin Hyman.

Peet, Richard. (1998). Modern Geographical Thought. Oxford: Blackwell.

Sack, Robert David. (1980). Conceptions of Space in Social Thought: A Geographic Perspective. London: Macmillan.

Saunders, Peter. (1986). Social Theory and the Urban Question (2nd ed.). New York: Holmes & Meier Publishers.

Short, John Rennie. (1998). New Worlds, New Geographies. Syracuse: Syracuse University Press.

Werlen, Benno. (1988). Society, Action and Space: An Alternative Human Geography. London: Routledge.

Wertheim, Margaret. (1997). The Pearly Gates of Cyberspace. New York: W.W. Norton & Company.(薛绚译,(1999),《空间地图:从但丁的空间到网络的空间》,台北:商务。)

Wolch, Jennifer, and Michael Dear (eds.). (1989). The Power of Geography: How Territory Shapes Social Life. Boston: Unwin Hyman.









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