Forest building 林建筑
Located in Grand Canal Forest Park, Forest Building is supposedto provide catering services and hold reunions, exhibitions and businessmeetings. The design is inspired by the form of trees. The first idea is tocreate space under trees, then bunches of trees will create a pattern andsheltered space. The manmade forest dances with the natural woods in the park.林建筑项目位于北京通州运河森林公园,提供餐饮、聚会、展览、会议等服务。设计受树木形状启发,最初的想法是创造一个树下的空间,那么树的枝干将相互连成一种结构形式并在其遮蔽之下形成空间。这样在公园里,人工的森林将与自然的树木共舞。
The structure is made from the repetition of a basic unit, atree like column with four cantilevered beams that varies on height. The planis based on a zigzagging grid that is capable of adapting to the site andexisting trees and achieving flexibility during the different constructionphases. The building is sitting on a floating concrete platform, protecting thetimber structure from moisture. At the same time, the mechanical installationruns underneath the concrete floor so that the ceiling is free to express thepure structure and space.
以柱子为中心并伸出四条悬臂梁的树一般的基本单元, 在合理的高度变化控制下重复组合成结构。平面基于有些曲折的规律格网, 它的边界自由, 便于绕开场地现存树木并获得分期施工的灵活性。建筑座在“飘浮”于地面的混凝土平台上, 这样一方面有利于木结构防潮, 另一方面, 将机电设备服务层布置于平台之下,使屋顶下部解放出来,还原为纯粹的结构 和空间。
The architecture is mainly constructed from wood and rammedearth. These materials are able to breath, adjusting the relative humidity andtemperature of indoor and outdoor areas, and will biodegrade in the future. Glasscurtain walls are filled between timber structures and rammed earth walls onfacades, providing the experience of being in the manmade and natural forest atthe same time.
建筑主体材料为木和夯土,它们的自然质感呼应了场地中的泥土与树木。这些材料可以自然呼吸,有效调节室内外的相对湿度温度, 将来也可自然降解回归自然。立面上木和夯土墙间以玻璃幕墙填充, 为室内使用者提供了同时身处人工与自然森林间的感受。