Allandale House / William O’Brien Jr
Design Principal:
William O’Brien Jr.
Mountain West, USA
Project Team:
Bhujon Kang
Project Year:
Peter Guthrie
Young architect William O’Brien Jr was one of the practices invited to this years P.S.1 competition (awarded to SO-IL). He shared with us this cabin project based on an extruded A-frame. Interesting wall configuration, take a look at the section.
Allandale House is an A-frame(s) house for an idiosyncratic connoisseur and her family. Along with its occupants, the Allandale House also provides space for an eccentric collection of artifacts that resist straightforward classification. Wines, rare books, stuffed birds and an elk mount are among the relics on display in this small vacation house.
Allandale House是一座“A”字形的房屋,它是为一位有着特殊审美的鉴赏家和她的家人设计的房子。根据居者的要求,Allandale House提供了一个奇珍古玩收藏的与众不同的空间。葡萄酒,善本,鸟类标本和麋鹿等摆放和陈设在这个小小的空间内。
The house links three horizontal extrusions of “leaning,” or asymmetrical A-frames. The skinny A-frame on the western side contains the library, wine cellar and garage. The wide A-frame in the center of the house is dedicated to two floors of bedrooms and bathrooms. The medium A-frame on the eastern side consists of living, kitchen and dining areas. The house aims to undermine the seeming limitations of a triangular section by augmenting and revealing the extreme proportion in the vertical direction, and utilizing the acutely angled corners meeting the floor as moments for thickened walls, telescopic apertures and built-in storage.
这所房子将横向三个倾斜的突出体或者说是不对称的“A”字形联系在一起。较窄的“A” -在西部侧架设有图书馆,酒窖和车库。较宽的是这所房子的中心框架,提供两个卧室和浴室空间。中等的“A” -的东侧,由生活厨房和就餐区组成。这所房子设计意图削弱三角形空间的形象限制,意图展示在垂直方向的极端比例的空间,并利用尖锐棱角加厚墙壁,地板伸缩缝隙等以用来作为存储空间。
The relationship between the need for exposed storage and the interior liner of the house is a reciprocal one. Ostensibly problematic head-height limitations posed by the angled ceiling/wall planes are resolved by allowing the interior surface of the ceiling/wall to deviate from the roof surface as it nears the floor plane to become plumb. The thickness created between the outer roof surface and the inner wall surface is then reclaimed as poche from which to carve, creating bookshelves and showcases. Perceptually, the ambition is to tuck the pieces on display within the implied surface of the interior liner, enabling the items to be seen, while providing the possible conception of the space as a simple volume.
这个帖子我反复看了好多遍,最近在做一个设计,就是想用一个尖顶空间,看了之后受益匪浅 不错!对做别墅很有帮助!