Cave Home / The Sleepers
In an interesting article from the New York Times this week, different families completed not so typical renovations.A few years ago, the Sleeper family moved from their crowded Missouri ranch house when they saw an eBay offering for three acres with an empty sandstone cave in Festus, Missouri. The initial idea to build a larger home on the land was soon abandoned as the family realized the potential the former quarry offered.With 15,000 feet of naturally insulated space, the Sleeper family took up a new residence – inside the cave. The older family members helped add more “home” touches to the cave and since the cave’s bare walls shed sand, the Sleepers placed interior roofs or umbrellas over areas like the kitchen that need to stay sand-free. Other than that, the family truly enjoys the natural feel of the space and have created a comfortable home.“The inside of the house feels like you’re outdoors without the discomfort of hot or cold,” Mrs. Sleeper states.
本周来自纽约时报有趣的文章,一个与众不同的家庭完成了一此非典型装修。几年前,Sleeper家族从密苏里州的农场拥挤的房子搬了出来,当他们看到ebay网上有一处位于密苏里州的3英亩空置砂岩洞穴出售。他们最初想在该处兴建一个更大的房子,但是很快这个想法就被摒弃,因为这个家庭意识到这个废弃的采石场潜在的价值。利用这个15000平方英尺天然的与世隔绝的空间,Sleeper家庭营造了一个新的居住地 - 洞内。这个洞穴的墙壁裸露着砂岩,年长的家庭成员的帮助添加更多的“家”的感觉(也许是通过布置家居),Sleeper家庭成员们,在厨房区域撑了一把伞以防止流沙。除此之外,Sleeper家庭十分喜欢这种自然的感觉的空间,并创造一个舒适的家。“在这样的屋子里面你就感觉像在室外,但是又不会遭受到室外的冷热交替之苦”Sleeper太太评论道 穴居了~~~~ 很酷的想法~ 长期住不会不习惯么