Aatrial House 反向庭院式住宅
本帖最后由 飞天2 于 2009-12-6 14:45 编辑Architects: KWK PROMES
Location: Opole, Poland
Project Architect: Robert Konieczny
Collaborators: Marlena Wolnik, Łukasz Prażuch
Design Year: 2002-2003
Construction Year: 2003-2006
Site Area: 10,057 sqm
Constructed Area: 660 sqm
Photographs: KWK PROMESLocationThe house is situated in Poland, close to Opole. Majority of low density settlement in the surroundings is formed of “cube – houses”, buildings typical for the 1970’s.建筑位于波兰,靠近奥伯莱。建筑周边的低密度居住区多为建于1970年代的“方盒子”式建筑。IdeaOne hectare site near the forest, where the building is designed has only one weak point: south-western access. An obvious conflict develops between the driveway and the garden. The idea arose to lower the driveway in order to separate it from the garden. This prompted another idea – of a driveway leading inside to the ground floor level, from underneath the building, which became possible thanks to the creation of an inner atrium with the driveway in it.建筑基地靠近森林,为一块一公顷,东西向的长方形用地。设计中,一个显著的矛盾是车道和花园之间的关系。设计的出发点是将车道下降,以使它和花园可以分开,相互之间不干扰。这个想法衍生出了另一个想法:将车道通过建筑地下引入到建筑的底层。从而创造出了一个拥有车道的内庭。New type of the houseAs a result, the building opens up onto all sides with its terraces in an unrestricted manner, and the only way to get into the garden is through the atrium and the house.这样,建筑就可以通过平台,自由地向四周各个方向敞开。而进入到花园唯一的途径就是经过内院和建筑本身。This in turn has made it possible to obtain a new spatial model of the house, which is the reverse of an atrial building. The aatrial house is closed to the inside and opened to the surroundings.这样同时创造出了一种新的建筑空间模式。一种和内庭式建筑相反的建筑。建筑既与内庭紧密联系,又可以向四周环境敞开。Structure and materialsThe gateway is situated in the highest point of the site sloping to the east side. The 10 metres wide driveway following slope’s declivity, was additionally lowered underneath the ground level, while the garden was partly raised above this level. As a result, the garden is separated from the driveway and the surroundings with a 2.5m high retaining wall. The building was situated on the garden level. For the sake of neighboring buildings, typical polish “cube – houses” arisen it 1970’s, the structure of the house results from various transformations of a cube.建筑场地大体上为一个东向的坡,建筑入口位于坡面的最高点。 10米宽的车道顺从场地原有的坡度,使其低于建筑底层的标高。同时,花园的标高局部高于车道。这样,花园便通过一堵2.5米高的挡土墙和车道分开。建筑坐落于花园的标高之上。为了与周围1970年代的方盒子式建筑协调,建筑的形式通过对方盒子的变化而得来。As a result of stretching and bending particular surfaces of the cube, all the walls, floors and ceilings were defined, together with inner aatrium and terraces. This principle of formation has not only created the structure of the house, but also defined interior and exterior architecture, including use of materials. The building is a reinforced concrete monolith, and concrete is at the same time the finishing material of the transformed cube, while all additional elements are finished with dark ebony.通过对方盒子特定部位的拉伸,弯折等手法来确定建筑的墙体、地面、屋顶,以及内庭和平台。这种形式原则不仅创造出了建筑结构,同时也确定了建筑内外空间以及材料的选择。建筑是一个混凝土实体,混凝土也是这个变化后的盒子的最终材料。其他额外的材料用黑檀木来完成。The driveway and retaining walls were made out of quarried granite blocks, the material characteristic for the surroundings.车道和挡土墙由花岗岩砌成。这种材料体现出了周边环境的特点。
我喜欢这种风格,现代、简洁、明快!感谢翻译小组! 好详细的图片啊,崇拜~~ 帅气啊! 尤其喜欢那个地面 怡人。 好干净利落,凝重而又不失轻盈 精致的!明快的! 干净,精炼,只有当技术达到一定水品时艺术才能不受限制啊。 照片拍得也好 技术与艺术 大气,利落.... 细部做的蛮到位的。 喜欢!
车库很有意思...很有细节! 真棒照片很详细的表达出来了