头着地 发表于 2009-12-4 11:13:47

Konya Residence / Superpool --- 翻译

Konya Residence / Superpool
A few weeks ago Superpool surprised me with one of the best library designs I have seen in a while: the Open Library in Istanbul. A small area, a rich public space. 几周前由Superpool设计的一个图书馆让我吃了一惊,那个位于伊斯坦布尔的开放图书馆是我至今为止见过的最好的图书馆,很小的区域创造出了丰富的公共空间。
But the office has also been working on two large scale residential projects in Turkey: Konya Residence and Dagos Tower (will be featured on a future article). Both projects propose innovative strategies in terms of dense housing. I´m eager to see how this projects develop and materialize in the future. 除了那个项目以外,Superpool工作室现阶段还在进行着两个土耳其的大型住宅区项目:Konya住宅区和Dagos Tower(今后将会进行介绍)。两个项目的目标都旨在高密度住宅策略的创新上。我非常期待今后能看到这两个项目的实现。 About the Konya Residence: 关于Konya住宅区:
The desire for efficiency of developers and contractors have handcuffed the Turkish housing typology into blocks with typically 4 units around a central core. Despite its unarguable efficiency, the result consistently creates upto a third of the units to be compromised; without views, facing other units. And eventhough generally the zoning laws allow only 25-50% of a given site to be developed, punctured by these indifferent towers, the left over green space is seldom identifiable. 开发商和承包商对于高效率的追求使得土耳其住房的形式趋于单一,都是被束缚在一个区块当中形成典型的四个单元围绕一个中心核的形式。暂且不论显而易见的高效率,这种形式的一个结果是至少有三分之一的单元需要妥协,他们沒有良好的视野,直接面对其它单元。尽管当地的法规规定只有用地的25%~50%可以被开发,剩下的绿地空间也很难被使用。
Without sacrificing efficiency of one core to four units, the proposal aims to elongate the blocks to prioritize views to one side. The blocks are then arranged to create a central garden of 8,000 m2; to complete the often neglected green space needs of urban housing. 在不破坏四个单元围绕一个中心核所带来的高效率的情况下,设计的意图在于拉长每个体块,将景观面都集中在一侧,然后这些体块被组合起来以围合出一个8000平米的中心花园,创造出了城市住宅中非常需要但又经常被忽视的绿色空间。
To introduce sectional variation to the blocks and to enhance the views, the overall volume is terraced. In the context of a rapidly growing city with a diminishing heritage of fruit groves and vines, Konya Residences aims to make green space as important to the life of the residents as the buildings themselves. 为了给体块带来更多样的组合上的变化和更好的景观,整个建筑的形体是阶梯型的。在这个发展迅速的城市里,绿色资源正在逐渐减少,Konya住宅区就是要创造这样一种对居民来说和住宅本身一样重要的绿色空间。
Team: Superpool – Selva Gürdoğan, Gregers Tang Thomsen, Marta Marszal, Benek Çinçik
Type: Commission
Size: 40,000 m2
Client: Seha Yapi
Collaborators: New Dialogues AG, Zurich
Location: Konya, Turkey
Status: Ongoing
设计团队: Superpool – Selva Gürdoğan, Gregers Tang Thomsen, Marta Marszal, Benek Çinçik
性质: 委托
基地面积: 40,000 m2
委托商: Seha Yapi
合作者: New Dialogues AG, Zurich
建设地点: Konya, Turkey
建设状况: 在建
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